PsychCare Online

PsychCare Online

About Us

A Vision Realised: Revolutionising Mental Health Care Accessibility

From the very beginning, the vision for Psychcare Online was shaped by an urgent need for more accessible mental health services. Founded on December 30, 2020, our mission has been to offer timely, expert psychiatric care amidst the lengthy waiting periods often associated with traditional mental health services.

A blue image of hands holding the same shape as the brain.
A blue image of hands holding the same shape as the brain.
A blue image of hands holding the same shape as the brain.
A blue image of hands holding the same shape as the brain.
A blue image of hands holding the same shape as the brain.

Our Standards

At Psychcare Online, the excellence and integrity of our psychiatric team are paramount. Each of our psychiatrists is not only highly qualified but has also undergone a rigorous selection process to ensure they meet our high standards of care. To join our team, a psychiatrist must have held a substantive consultant post, be registered on the specialist list at the GMC, and be in good standing with the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Do You Know Someone Who Might Be Struggling Silently?

It's a sad reality that many individuals with psychiatric conditions do not seek the help they need. Whether due to stigma, denial, or simply not recognising the signs, about one quarter of people will experience a diagnosable mental health issue at some point in their lives, yet two-thirds may never address it. This often leads to silent suffering—not just for the individual but for their loved ones as well.

Vision Statement

We envision a world where timely and compassionate psychiatric care is accessible to everyone, regardless of location or circumstance. We aim to lead the transformation of mental health services through innovative telepsychiatry and onsite consultations, bridging the gap between advanced psychiatric expertise and the everyday lives of those we serve.

Our goal is to empower individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives by providing immediate access to the best mental health diagnostics and treatment available. We strive to be at the forefront of eliminating stigma around mental health, fostering a society that prioritises mental wellness as much as physical health.

Our Values

We approach every interaction with understanding and sensitivity, acknowledging the unique experiences and challenges faced by each individual. Our team is committed to providing supportive, patient-centred care that respects the dignity and well-being of our clients.

We uphold the highest standards of ethical behaviour and professionalism in all our actions. Trust is fundamental to effective psychiatric care, and we earn that trust by being transparent, accountable, and honest in every aspect of our work. Our commitment to integrity ensures that we deliver consistent, reliable, and principled care.

We embrace technology and creativity to improve the delivery of mental health services. Our use of telepsychiatry and modern treatment approaches reflects our commitment to making psychiatric care more accessible and effective. We continuously seek new methods to enhance the therapeutic experience and outcomes for our patients.

We strive for excellence in every aspect of our practice, from the qualifications of our psychiatrists to the effectiveness of our treatments. Our goal is to provide the highest quality of care, ensuring that each patient receives the best possible support and expertise. We are dedicated to continuous improvement and professional development to stay at the forefront of mental health care.

Our Purpose

To enhance accessibility to expert psychiatric care, we provide comprehensive mental health services both online and onsite. Our mission is to empower individuals, reduce mental health stigma, and improve community well-being through innovative and accessible psychiatric solutions.

How It Works

We offer one-to-one online consultations with GMC registered specialist doctors who work in both the NHS and the private sector. You can book your consultation in one of two ways:

  • Online Booking: Complete the online booking form on our website to initiate the booking process. Just fill out the necessary details about your concerns and preferences.
  • Phone Booking: If you prefer to book over the phone, you can reach our bookings team by calling 01322 223910. Our friendly staff are available to assist you with your booking needs.

After You Book:

Once you've submitted your booking request through our form or over the phone, our bookings team will contact you to finalise the details. They will reach out via telephone or email to schedule your consultation at a time that is mutually convenient. This ensures that we fully understand your needs and can match you with the best specialist.

Online Consultation:

Upon confirming your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email and, if provided, a text message with all the necessary details to access your online consultation. This includes a secure link and a PIN to enter the virtual consultation room.

Here’s how to prepare:

  • Technical Setup: Ensure your device (computer or smartphone) has a functioning camera and microphone. Headphones are optional but recommended for privacy and clarity. You can perform a pre-call system check using our pre-call test page to ensure everything is set up correctly.
  • Browser Requirements: For the best experience, make sure you are using the latest version of Google Chrome. Check and update your browser by visiting Google’s official site.
  • Joining the Consultation: At the scheduled time, click on the meeting link provided in our email to enter the secure video room, where you will meet privately with your psychiatrist.
  • Feedback: After your consultation, we encourage you to provide anonymous feedback via the link we will provide. Your input is invaluable as we strive to continuously improve our service.

Onsite Consultation:

For those who prefer or require an in-person meeting, we offer onsite consultations at our facilities or at a location convenient for you, such as your home.

  • Scheduling: Our bookings team will discuss and arrange the most convenient time and location for your consultation during the scheduling call.
  • Preparation: If the consultation is at your home, please ensure a quiet, private space is available for the duration of the session. For consultations in our facility, you will be guided to a dedicated space where you will meet with your psychiatrist.
  • Health and Safety: We adhere to stringent health and safety protocols to ensure the well-being of both our clients and staff during in-person sessions.

Whether you choose an online or onsite consultation, our priority is to provide a comfortable and professional environment that supports your mental health needs. Our expert team is here to guide you through the process and ensure that your consultation is as beneficial as possible.

Following Your Assessment:

After your consultation, whether online or onsite, your psychiatrist will thoroughly document the session. This might involve typing up notes or dictating them for later transcription. These notes are then securely added to your patient record, which you can access at any time.

Assessment Letter:

  • Delivery: A detailed letter summarising your appointment will be prepared, including your diagnosis and a recommended treatment plan. Please be aware that due to high demand, there may be a delay in sending out these letters. We aim to deliver your assessment letter within four weeks of your appointment. However, any urgent communications will be prioritised and handled more swiftly.
  • In Our Facility: Once your clinic letter is drafted and approved, you will receive a notification by email. You can then log into our secure portal to read and download your letter. To stay informed about your care, please check your email regularly.
  • Amendments: If you need to make any changes to your clinic letter, the fastest way to do so is to respond directly to the email with your letter or send us a detailed email specifying the required amendments.

Review Appointments:

If a follow-up appointment is necessary, our support team will reach out to you closer to the proposed date to schedule your review session, ensuring continuous care and support.

Medication and Behavioural Management:

Should your treatment plan include medication, your doctor will refer you to one of our prescribing nurses. They will manage and oversee your medication throughout the course of treatment.

Additionally, we offer positive behaviour management, medication management, and other community outreach and supported living services through our Outreach partner, Atman Care. These services are optional and can be tailored to support your specific needs, providing a comprehensive approach to your care.